Category: Mobile Application

Marketing becomes easier with iBeacon Technologies

Marketing becomes easier with iBeacon Technologies

Beacons are a cutting-edge retail marketing technology in this world of omnichannel retailers shopping whereby the process of customers interacting with brands takes a significant change. It revolutionizes the way devices prove helpful for consumers providing them a compatible and amicable shopping experience. iBeacon battery life is tremendous comparing to usual GPS based solutions.

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Features & Benefits of White Label App Development

Features & Benefits of White Label App Development

White Label Apps are nothing but specific applications formulated by white label providers that are sold to multiple resellers after being rebranded. The whole process of white label app development solution is a service that begins when an application is ordered from a reseller by a business client but the app is in actuality built by a white label service provider.

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Why Taxi Business Should Invest in Taxi App Development

Why Taxi Business Should Invest in Taxi App Development

Conventional taxi businesses are in the present times facing stiff competition from taxi bookings app services like Uber, Ola, and Lyft. Getting a taxi with the help of mobile apps has become very simple, so customers are moving to this app-based taxi services that provide a great cab booking experience with just a tap of the finger.

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Carpooling App Development Solution | Carpooling App

Carpooling App Development Solution | Carpooling App

Shareonthego is one of the leading carpool app development companies offering services linking drivers and riders quickly and easily with their Carpooling Apps. These amazing apps allow you to travel in comfort while you save money and at the same time reduce carbon emissions creating an eco-friendly environment.

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What’s New in Android 8.0 Oreo | Android Oreo Features

What's New in Android 8.0 Oreo | Android Oreo Features

After months of speculation and Developer Preview, Android 8.0 is finally here for all to see and experience. It’s final version was announced by Google on the 21st August 2017. Android Oreo is Google’s extensive version of Android to date for everyone, with stability, functionality and features never seen before.

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Kotlin : New Programming Language for Android

Kotlin : New Programming Language for Android

Kotlin is a programming language that can run on Java Virtual Machine. By using the LLVM compiler infrastructure it can be successfully compiled to Javascript source code. It was developed in 2011 in Saint Petersburg in Russia by a team of programmers from JetBrains who incidentally also developed the JetBrain IDE that Android is based on.

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Top 8 Mobile technology trends – 2017

Top 8 Mobile technology trends - 2017

Mobile technology trends are today redefining the way businesses advertise or market their products. In fact it is all about running their business on an everyday basis. Although change and bringing in new technology can be quite unnerving, but the present scenario companies that do not accept changes brought about by mobile technology cannot succeed in this smart phone world.

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