The mobile app industry has been shaping the ever-evolving world for years. Regardless of the domain, every industry and organization is incorporating mobile application technologies to increase their reach and maximize their outcome. But what has IoT (Internet of Things) got to do with the technology boom?

The evolution of smart cities and smart lifestyle is indebted to the rise of IoT technology. It’s estimated to have over 10 billion connected IoT devices by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025. IoT is capable of stirring up the digital world with its mass potential and higher data transfer rate. To stay afloat in this competitive world, irrespective of the platform you use, you need to be aware of the below 5 trends in IoT mobile application development that are going to be the hot cakes of 2020.

  1. Blockchain
  2. Cybersecurity
  3. The relevance of AI and Big Data
  4. The Smart Lifestyle
  5. Wearable Devices


Blockchain is one of the revolutionary technologies in the present day. The technology plays a vital role in the growth of various startups and companies to build their apps, smart contracts and solutions, assisting in the rise of various startups and companies.

As the number of interconnected devices increases, the data available on the cloud increases. This makes the cloud prone to hacking. Here, blockchain development and IoT solutions play a vital role in increasing the cybersecurity for IoT-enabled devices. The technology makes it safe and beneficial for financial and government institutions using IoT devices for their financial transactions. This increases the trustability factor of an organization.

Blockchain Development


With the increase of devices connected and the data available in the cloud, the necessity for cybersecurity is inevitable. The IoT network and the data volume will expand, resulting in more data to protect. From banking details to home security, any personal information is available via the Internet of Things. Thus, each mobile app development company needs to take care of the security quotient of its IoT-enabled apps.

Currently, firewalls are the IoT data security, similar to the ones in PCs and laptops. In the coming years, features like face recognition, fingerprint scan, and other biometric logins will add to the security of the data and information. Mobile App development companies need to focus on cybersecurity in the days to come.

The relevance of AI and Big Data

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been in the center of technology during recent times. Its integration with mobile apps has made the apps smarter, cost and time-efficient and money-minting value for the development company. In the age of vast connected devices and huge volumes of data, AI and big data play a crucial role in processing the information.

Data is vital for a company’s growth. As important as the data, so is the analytics. AI and machine learning, when coupled with big data, helps to generate accurate analytics, thus helping an organization make better decisions. Improved analytics helps in strategizing projects, marketing plans, and branding. Mobile application development companies will strongly implement AI and Big Data in the coming ages.

The Smart Lifestyle

Smart cities are one of the biggest accomplishments of IoT and modernization. With the help of IoT powered devices, the cities promise safer, cleaner and efficiency in the lifestyle of the inhabitants. IoT has contributed to making the cities cleaner, reducing traffic, managing the water, electricity and other resources efficiently. In the forthcoming years, IoT will strive towards increasing traffic congestion, security, and sustainable development for a green future.

IoT also helps in converting your home into a smart one. Smart devices like Google Home or Amazon Alexa will be readily available for everyone, providing services beyond recipes or playing movies. One can expect them to help prevent kitchen fires, save energy, and more. A smart world is the focus of the leading app development companies worldwide.

Wearable Devices

Wearable devices are not novel. We have smartwatches, fitness gadgets, and even smart rings. The devices have changed the way we interact with smart devices. Unfortunately, most of the mobile apps do not support these devices.

In the coming years, wearable devices will have the looks and functionalities. The mobile apps will provide support to the devices with wearable technology. With the integration of IoT-enabled applications, wearable technology will add to the convenience of users.


The scope for IoT in mobile apps is not restricted to these 5 trends. IoT, integrated with mobile apps will play a key role in creating sustainable energy management, daily commutation. retail therapy and many others. The scope of mobile application development is vast and will keep on increasing.

Confused on how to implement IoT solutions in your mobile apps to boost your business? Feel free to contact us. We are one of the leading mobile app development companies in the industry. Our vast expertise in various domains Flutter(Cross Platform), Native Android App Development, Ios App Development, IoT solutions, wearable app development services, blockchain development, and other technologies makes us stand out in the market. Partner with us to explore the world of mobile app trends and give your business an edge.

What is an on-demand IoT Mobile app?

On-demand IoT apps are IoT based mobile applications that provide services or products to its users whenever and wherever they want.

How can I create my own IOT Mobile app?

There are many platforms and tutorials available to build your IoT mobile apps. Choose the hardware, think of scalability and security. Make sure that your app runs fast.

What technologies are used for mobile application development?

Various technologies like Swift, Node.Js, Flutter, React Native, Appcelerator Titanium among others can be used for mobile app development.

What is the best app development software?

Various app development software like Appy Pie, Alpha Anywhere, can be used to build an app.

What is IoT?

IoT can be defined as a network of interconnected things/devices with sensors, software, network connectivity and other electronics enabling them to collect and exchange data.