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Top 3 advantages of blockchain technology in banking

Top 3 advantages of blockchain technology in banking

In the digitization world, blockchain is the next biggest thing since internet hit the world. Undoubtedly, blockchain is a pioneering invention and it has reinterpreted the way we look at financial transactions online. Deploying a cryptography-based technology, blockchain has made a new gateway for payments through a decentralized environment which is extremely transparent and secure.

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4 Software Development Trends to Watch in 2018

4 Software Development Trends to Watch in 2018

With technology advancing in leaps and bounds the only option we have is to keep pace with these continuous advancements. The year 2018 will witness some great technological breakthroughs in software development with the emergence of the blockchain, cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, mobile computing and augmented and virtual reality.

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It’s Time to Concentrate on Google Voice Search Optimization

google voice search

Use of Voice Search Optimization If you are a business owner you need to differentiate between the queries addressed by your target audience. When you text search you might be looking for more than just a text or call. When you are using Google voice search digital assistant you may want to be directed to the right choice.

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What is an ERP System and how it benefits Business Growth?

What is an ERP System and how it benefits Business Growth?

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system integrates multiple functions and departments of a business into one single computer enabling it to serve the requirements of all the departments. In the present scenario change is obvious for business operations, be it technology or change in the methods of business communication.

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CoreML – Machine Learning Framework | Apple


Core ML is a very popular machine learning framework released by Apple that runs on all Apple products like Camera, Siri, and QuickType. With Core ML developers can effectively integrate machine learning into your apps. Core ML does not require a thorough knowledge of machine learning or any neutral apps and pre-trained data models can be simply converted into Core ML model.

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