Tag: Software Development

Bootstrap Your Startup Business

Bootstrap Your Startup Business

Do you know one of the major challenges business entrepreneurs face is building a business from the ground? And the dilemma increases when they need to select a good self-funding as an option or when they look out for an investor for financing their business.

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Should You Invest in Progressive Web Apps for your Startup

Should You Invest in Progressive Web Apps for your Startup

Should You Invest in Progressive Web Apps for your Startups? Startups in present times are facing a multitude of challenges trying to decide whether to develop native mobile apps or just go with a mobile friendly website in order to reach customers. Earlier what businesses required was a native Android app, a native iOS app and a user friendly website for maximum online reach.

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4 Software Development Trends to Watch in 2018

4 Software Development Trends to Watch in 2018

With technology advancing in leaps and bounds the only option we have is to keep pace with these continuous advancements. The year 2018 will witness some great technological breakthroughs in software development with the emergence of the blockchain, cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, mobile computing and augmented and virtual reality.

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