2Base Technologies

6 Reasons Your Business Needs VR Technology


Virtual reality can seem like a futuristic technology to some but to others, it has become an essential part of the business. If you fall under the first category, you should rethink the importance of VR. By 2020, a third of global consumers are expected to be using virtual reality (VR) which says enough about its growing popularity.

The world of business moves at a fast pace which means that you need to keep up to stay at the top. Embracing technology trends such as VR can upgrade your business, spread brand awareness, and improve customer experience. There are many compelling reasons that can get you to enlist VR in your business’s equipment, but here a few main ones that can change your judgment.


  1. Keep Up with the Industry Trends
  2. Take Your Business to the Next Level
  3. Improve Your Marketing Campaign
  4. Bringing Storytelling to Life
  5. Build a Relationship with Consumers
  6. Consume the Users with VR Experience


1. Keep Up with the Industry Trends

Remember how the mobile industry suddenly grew? Now, mobile phones are an inevitable part of our lives.

VR has a similar role in the business world. It appeared as the new wonder of technology but now, it is slowly crawling into our lives and growing roots.

Goldman Sachs predicts an $80 billion market for VR and augmented reality by 2025. The numbers show how trending is the VR in the industry.

Predictions also suggest that over 200 million virtual reality (VR) headsets will be sold by the end of 2020. That means that VR is no longer a luxury but just another tech toy that people want.

In addition, Forbes reported that 75% of the world’s most famous brands already have a VR or AR experience.

In order to stay alive in the competitive market, keeping up with industry trends is a must.


2. Take Your Business to the Next Level

Are you tired of being average? Do you want to give your consumers something that will make you different and memorable? Then VR can be the perfect choice for your business.

Get in line with the big boys of the industry by introducing VR to your consumers.

Success demands progress and progress demands investments. If you want to improve your business, the next step can be virtual reality.

Take this opportunity while VR is still different and exciting. It will be too late once it becomes usual business equipment.


3. Improve Your Marketing Campaign

VR can be a very powerful marketing tool. It is your chance to promote your business as innovative and progressive.

In a survey by Greenlight VR, 71% of respondents said that a sponsored VR experience is reflective of a forward-thinking brand. That is an image that will benefit your brand’s reputation.

Once you welcome VR to your business, you can use this chance to create a blasting marketing campaign that will spread the news about your addition.

Any marketing channel you use can serve as a means to share this exciting news.

Offer your customers something more than a new product or service. Offer them a completely new experience that will give them a different perspective on your business.

If there is no one else in your niche who uses VR, you can use this as a marketing opportunity. Just think about the sense of urgency that will overwhelm the consumers when you provide them with something groundbreaking.


4. Bring Storytelling to Life

As a business owner, you probably know that storytelling is a very popular marketing technique. It is liked by the audience since it evokes emotion and helps them to connect with the brand.

The emotional experience that comes from VR can’t be compared to the usual storytelling.

Jonathan Perry, a marketing expert at TopWritersReviews recently spoke on the matter. He gave an explanation about the connection between storytelling and VR and why this combination is so effective. “There is no reason for people to imagine the story when they can relive it through virtual reality. Through VR, the user is completely immersed in the story. There is no comparison between storytelling through VR and standard storytelling through posts or videos,” said Jonathan.

VR makes consumers a part of the journey and thus, personalizes the experience even more.


5. Build a Relationship with Consumers

According to a study by Greenlight VR, over 50% of consumers say that they’re more likely to purchase from a brand that sponsors a VR experience.

What this tells us is that customers put more trust into companies that adopt this innovative approach.

While this correlation can seem surprising at first, it is actually quite clear. By sponsoring a VR experience, brands show willingness and commitment to improving customers’ experience.

Customers value brands with such an attitude because they always feel more loyal and trusting towards the customer-oriented brands.

The above-mentioned survey from Greenlight VR also showed that 62% of users said that VR results in feeling engaged with a brand.

Engaging with the customers is one of the best ways of building a relationship and VR will get you that.


6. Consume the Users with VR Experience

Thanks to the fast-paced way of living and social media, people’s attention is notably deteriorating. This creates a problem when it comes to attracting and retaining people’s attention.

With VR, this problem will disappear. VR will provide you with 100% of users’ attention.

The users will have a chance to surrender themselves completely to this phenomenon and forget about everything else. Who would say no to that?

The immersive content that VR offers eliminates all distractions and achieves something very difficult – helps the users to turn off reality.


Some Final Thoughts

A long time ago VR has been mainly seen as gaming equipment. Nowadays, it is making big changes in the world of business, inspiring business owners to take bold steps and play with this innovative tool. With VR headsets such as the Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard that can be connected with smartphones, more and more people are attaining VR devices. This opens new opportunities for businesses to create stories that can be transported into an experience that will make a lasting impression on the users.

What is VR used for?

VR refers to Virtual Reality where a stimulated environment is created with the help of computer technology. Instead of viewing a screen before them, VR enables users to interact with the 3D world giving them an out of the world experience

What are the uses and benefits of virtual reality technologies?

Military – Military troops in the US and UK have now started using VR technology for training to get the trainees accustomed to real world scenarios.

Education – Children are now given access to VR environments so that they could enhamce their imagination and creative thinking.

Medical field – Doctors use VR to study latest trends in surgery and medication.

How VR Technology works?

Virtual reality simulation consists of two main components: a source of content and a user device. Currently such systems include headsets, all-directions treadmills, special gloves, goggles. VR Technology hugely relies on measurements such as:

  •          Image resolution
  •         Field of view
  •         Refresh rate
  •         Motion delay
  •         Pixel persistence
  •         Audio/video synchronization.

How much does a VR cost?

VR Gears range from$15 – $995

What are three main types of virtual reality?

There are three main types of VR systems:

–       Non Immersive systems

–       Semi Immersive projection systems

–       Fully immersive systems

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