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We live in a world which is fully digitalized. In one way or the other, we all are digital citizens even though we are least aware of it. We all are expected to obey an unwritten set of etiquette in order to maintain the digital norms and values. This is particularly applied in the case of students who are growing up in this digital era. It is necessary that they should be taught to follow proper guidelines in accessing digital media. They have to be aware of the rights and responsibilities of digital citizens and maintaining healthy attributes. Digital Citizenship for students is becoming a challenging topic in this context.

In today’s world, it is essential for teachers to have experience with the online environment to teach their students about the responsible behaviour they should keep over cyberspace. The rules of digital citizenship help the students and other technology users to prepare them for a society full of technology updates. Digital Citizenship is also called as digital wellness or digital ethics. It is mandatory that the next generation should be trained on how they should act when they are online. Teaching digital citizenship at school levels can have a good impact on students and makes them aware of the responsible use of technology.

Read more about how you could authenticate your Digital Citizenship.

Nowadays, Students are able to gather more information from the digital world. Digital citizenship for kids is of prime importance since the influence on the kids at very small age can really affect in building a genuine and responsible attitude. Inspire them to learn good things from the web. Many of them are not well aware of what they are doing actually and what its aftereffects are. Therefore, digital citizenship for primary classes should be made compulsory at schools and include digital citizenship lessons for students in the curriculum. Only by educating students about digital citizenship in a proper way, cyberbullying can be prevented. Not all resources available on the internet are authentic. So, it is essential to teach the students to identify the fake digital citizenship resources and how to select information from a real and authentic source.

It is quite difficult to figure out cyber bullying, hacking and other cyber malpractices in the online world. Protecting private information by keeping it secure and respecting copyright information and intellectual property helps to a big extent to fight against all cyber crimes. This is not so easy always, especially there are many hidden traps online. Students need to be critical and alert while handling digital media and very careful in handling digital resources. They should make sure that the technology is used in a smart and intelligent way that helps in their education. Keeping healthy digital strategies of using smarter technologies is to be ensured by the education department at schools. Let the students be indulged in safe and responsible use of technology.